Friday, July 15, 2011

sometimes we go about using and expecting certain things from the tools we use. for example, my dslr which i use to take photos. i like the quality i get and i like the technical control when i use it. then take the holga. film toy camera with plastic build, light leaks and vignetting included. only two apertures to choose from and your choice of 100th sec speed or bulb mode.
i always say the best photo is taken depending on the eye behind the camera. your equipment shouldn't always imply the quality of photos you take. with knowledge of what your camera can do and what it's capable of, you can take some of the best photos with any camera. film or digital. keeping that in mind i discovered the camera app. if you have a smartphone then you know well there's almost an app for a certain image related or video related content.
i stumbled upon this after receiving my new phone an HTC Inspire 4G. on sale for $20 dolla yo! yes great deal. other than the battery going quick from too much online use, this phone has met my expectations. yes it's my first smartphone and no this isn't a review on it. so going back to the camera app. i downloaded it and just beamed with joy after viewing the numerous camera effects you can make. it was like getting two flavors at BiRite Creamery! you got the effects of film cameras but the ease and use of the digital camera. don't like the way it looked, try and take it again! but like any camera, lose the moment and never see it again. lol

What's that?


cut cut cut

yellow watermelon...??

i just couldn't believe how fun these images were. i couldn't stop taking them

eggplant, japanese

daves bbq sauces

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