Monday, June 28, 2010

2010 June 28 Engagement Lunch for Des & John

Willow Glen in San Jose, CA. Bill's Cafe, engagement lunch for cousin Des and John. went with the 10-22mm and a 580ex II. the food here is great as always. when shooting this engagement lunch, i wasn't pressuredat all. it's mostly friends or relatives of the bride who attended, so it was very relaxed. it was a busy sunday and there were a lot of customers so it was loud, but we did enjoy ourselves. ended up going close and personal with the shots. i like the wide angle view and it works for every event i've shot. going wide just helps immerse the viewer in what is happening. i couldn't around much either so again it works in that situation (i was eating =))

2010_DJ_Eng-40 2010_DJ_Eng-9 2010_DJ_Eng-37 2010_DJ_Eng-42 2010_DJ_Eng-16a

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